Thursday, May 20, 2010

Friday, May 21st 2010

Itinerary :a route or proposed route of a journey, from the latin Iter: way, road, journey.
CHI to Nebraska
Nebraska to Jackson Hole, WY
Jackson Hole t0 Mammoth, WY to Shelby, MT
Shelby, MT to Jasper, Alberta
Jasper, AB to Fort St.John, BC
Fort St. John to no where BC
middle of Nowhere, BC to Whitehorse, Yukon
Whitehorse, Yu to Tok, AK
Tok, AK to Anchorage.
That's the rough intention, not exactly sure how each individual day will work out. It's a mystery.

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 I have been working on refurbishing and custom finishing discarded and "found" tables. It is really neat to see the junk get turn...