Thursday, May 20, 2010

The end of the beginning

Status Check - Last (full) Day in Western NY
Internet in studio - working.
Atlas - check
tent and footprint - check
sleeping bags and pad - check
daypack, extended pack - check
auto adapter for phone and computer - check (thanks mom)
portable exercise bike - check
bean-sprouting set - check
ipods - check
Spira boots, Vibram KSO, Brooks Ghost and Crocs - check
new rain gear - need to get, but have beat-up old stuff if I don't get to it
textbooks - check
drawing and painting gear mobilized - check
Milepost and Campgrounds of North America - will pick up a copy en route
oil change - check
packing almost all worldly possessions into storage - have been working at it since the last day at work (Tuesday)
dentist - new fake tooth
Homework - done. Last class was Latin this evening.

need to Time Machine my hard drive and clean up the remainders of life

thanks, everyone! I've had a great time this week!

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 I have been working on refurbishing and custom finishing discarded and "found" tables. It is really neat to see the junk get turn...