Friday, January 8, 2016

funny thing happened

So eight years ago, I was enthusiastic about running. I ran four or five miles per day, five or six days a week, wearing five pound weights in each hand much of the time. This had been going on for about a year when I blew out my knees. To be accurate, I didn't injure my knees as much as I shredded something in my lymph system in my thighs, resulting in a dramatic case of secondary lymph adema which just wouldn't go away. After about four dramatic months of self therapy and compression and icing, the swelling went down. Even after the swelling went down in my legs, I found that I couldn't shake the feeling that my thighs were corkscrewing themselves off. I started wearing compression braces on my thighs, and continued to do so until.... about a year ago, the braces started to really itch all the time. This week, I decided to try not wearing the braces, just to see if the corkscrew feeling would come back. It didn't. (Well, it did, but only every couple hours for a few seconds.) Eight years of discomfort quietly faded into the night.

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