Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day Sixteen: Seward, AK. the Mural Capital of Alaska

Two weeks in, I've seen some bears (all black), and climbed two mountains. We live in a campground with no internet or wifi or showers, but with an electrified bear-deterent fence. I've become admittedly blaze about the whole bear-thing (bearanoia) since I heard that there are only about three bear-related fatalities a year and that violent bear/human encounters are incredibly rare. So Seward, very small. I wish it had a health food store (it used to). Food is Hyper Expensive here. literally twice the cost anywhere else I've ever been. amazing. broke. Other than that, I really can't complain. Life is good., I am tired, but happy, and only a little bored (mostly because I should be doing homework). Can't think of anything else. Oh, there is this:
view from Flat Top Mountain
Fast-Pitch Whiffle Ball

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day something: Seward, Alaska

Here in Seward for the next five weeks, internet again on Saturday, when I fully intend to blow my internet mind out, Carol, Paintings and drawings on Saturday, promise. Tim, Give me a call Saturday if it's convenient, otherwise I'll just keep doing Latin chapters and we can catch up all at once. No cell service at the campsite, my thoughts and prayers are on you all. All my Love,
PS. I work on a Glacier - Aidan, I wanted to tell you that I've WATCHED A GLACIER MELT. it's pretty cool.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day Fifteen: At the Top of Mount Purgatory lies the Earthly Paradise

I have little time for an update, and no potential internet prospects for the next week as of yet, but I wanted to update to say that I haven't been this calm or focused in years and that Alaska is the most beautiful place I've ever seen. I've met thirty of the most intense people ever. This place is amazing. The Conservation Corps is the Hippy Branch of the Military. There is no finer sensation than the experience of twenty-three hours of light (with an hour of dusk). it's awesome. thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, and I am thinking of you all often.


 I have been working on refurbishing and custom finishing discarded and "found" tables. It is really neat to see the junk get turn...